Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Aloo Dum - my new favorite way to have potatoes

So after scouring for my first recipe to try my hand at, I have found another blog of a serious Indian expert:  http://www.sailusfood.com/ .  I assume that I will be testing many a recipe from Sailu.  And I will probably be forever indebted to them for the influence and advice.  So after drooling over a number of recipes that I could try, I decided to go for Aloo Dum (Potato Curry).  Let me tell you....awesome!  I changed it just a tad, to my own liking.  For instance, the recipe calls for 4 green chilis.  I used 3 large serrano peppers (which I assumed would be hotter).  So to balance it off, instead of plain thick yogurt, I decided to use sweetened plain yogurt.  It was a great call.  Sweet at the first taste, and then spicy burn at the end.  Ever the skeptic, it appears that this dish even has influenced a new flavor profile for my husband's ribs.  While Aloo Dum is a vegetarian dish, I wanted to add chicken to add a little more to the meal. So I also pan grilled a couple chicken breasts, cut into chunks with garam masala seasoning and black pepper.  I noticed though in typing this up, that it calls for cumin seeds, but it never actually says what to do with them...I'll have to check into that.

12-15 baby potatoes (washed, boiled, & peeled - I used red salad potatoes)
1 tsp cumin seeds
1 onion, finely chopped
3/4 C. thick yogurt (w/ tsp besan, which I skipped)
1 1/2 tbsp. malai (or cream - I used heavy whipping cream)
1/4 tsp tumeric
1/2 tsp chili powder
1 tsp coriander powder
1/2 tsp garam masala
salt (to taste)
1 tbsp fresh coriander leaves (garnish/optional)
2 tbsp oil
1 C. water

Ginger/Chili/Tomato Paste (right):
4 chilis
1" ginger piece
1 small tomato

Cashew Paste: (I skipped this one too)
5-6 cashew nuts, soaked in 2-3 tbsp milk

1. Heat 1/2 tbsp oil, add potatoes & saute until lightly browned.  Remove from pan and set aside.
2. Add remaining oil & add onion.  Saute until translucent.  Add ginger/chili/tomato paste & fry about 4 minutes.  Add chili powder, tumeric, and coriander powder. Combine well.
3. Slowly add beaten yogurt & stir for about 5-6 minutes.  Add potatoes & cook on low-med heat for about 4 minutes.  Reduce heat & add cashew paste & malai.  Cook for a minute.
4. Add water, garam masala & salt.  Cook covered on low flame until desired consistancy.  Serve with rice.

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