Saturday, April 21, 2012

Thai Lemongrass Curry

        Can't lie, I love any reason that lets me use my masala dabba.  Had a taste for spicy today, and had some lemongrass in my fridge.  I searched all over for the simplest recipe I could find.  I'm all about make things easy and delicious.  Finally found one here, and figured it would do well as a base for what I wanted to do.  In all honesty, I didn't change a whole lot.  By far the best curry dish I've made to date.  A new fave!

3 boneless chicken breasts, cut into 1" cubes
3 green chilis, finely chopped (I kept the seeds and all)
3 tbsp lemongrass (I used Gourmet Garden, but you could use fresh chopped lemongrass)
1 small onion, diced
6 cloves of garlic, roughly chopped
2 tbsp tumeric powder
1 tbsp chili powder
1/2 tsp ground ginger (didn't have fresh)
2 tbsp tamari
1 tbsp honey
1 can coconut milk
1 8oz can vegetable stock

Combine the garlic, chilis, lemongrass and ginger into mortar and pestal until it becomes a rough paste.
Combine the tumeric and chili powder, toss chicken to coat.
In frying pan, heat some oil (olive or coconut) and add chicken until browned.  Remove chicken and set aside.
Add a little more oil to pan if needed, cook paste mixture and onion for a few minutes.   (It will become VERY fragrant).
Add chicken back to pan.  Add in stock, coconut milk, tamari, and honey.  Mix well.
Heat until boiling, and then let simmer until chicken is thoroughly cooked.
Serve over cauliflower rice.

** I should note, that I rarely use exact measurements in any of my recipes.  I typically just eyeball all suggested amounts that are less than 1/4 cup.
** This dish was crazy spicy, but in a amazing way.  You could eliminate the seeds of the chilis if you want.  I used chilis that were in my freezer from last summer's farmer market.  No idea what kind there were, but they were green and hot.  I hear that freezing them does that. :)
** We started buying products from the Gourmet Garden line, after I realized that no matter how much I cook, I couldn't use fresh herbs fast enough without wasting them.  They are organic, and convenient. I keep the herbs I use the most in this form, to always have on hand.  But of course still buy fresh as much as possible.

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