Friday, June 1, 2012

Chocolate Cake Balls

So I finally got my cake-pop/donut hole maker and have been obsessed ever since.  My determination was to find as many paleo cake type concoctions to put in it.  I have tried several, such as Chai Spice cake balls, and a savory Basil Coconut flour version as well. While I cannot take credit for those, I can say for absolute certainty that they are amazing.  I was also on a mission to find a chocolate cake recipe that was paleo, but amazing.  I found the Paleo Brat's blog, and let me tell you, she is genius.  I tried her chocolate cake recipe a few weeks back and was super impressed.  I haven't changed a thing!  The one complaint that I have is that all the honey in the batter make it sometimes difficult to make perfectly round balls of cake with my machine.  I also opted to not completely frost them.  This time, I made them, and decided that I was going to inject them with a little bit of Nutella (yes, I know....NOT paleo).  But I figured a little bit wouldn't hurt.  I also drizzled them with Giradelli dark chocolate, and then sprinkled them with crushed pecans.  Absolutely amazing!  They should be a big hit at the cook-out tomorrow.  While completely gluten free, they are most definetely not for those with nut allergies.  But so worth the time.

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