Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Coming Soon...

Chocolate-Mint Ice Cream
Paleo Pancakes
"Oatmeal" Cookie Dough Dip

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Cookie Dough Dip

I cannot take credit for this one at all.  Big shout to Paleo Parents for coming up with this Paleo version.  Shortly before we went Paleo, I made the normal cookie dough dip, and it was amazing.  So you can imagine our disappointment of losing such a gem by changing eating habits.  When I saw this posted on Pinterest, I put it on my "must make" list.  Thankfully, we had a BBQ yesterday and I had the perfect reason to make it.  Super easy, and I have to admit, even better than the original non-paleo version.  Seriously.
2 c. Almond Flour
1/2 c. Butter Flavored Palm Shortening
1/4 c. Honey
1/4 c. Maple Syrup
1 tbsp. Vanilla
Mini-chocolate chips
Pecan pieces
Candy coated sunflower seeds (totally not paleo, but I made a litte exception)

Combine all ingredients but the candy and nuts and blend until smooth.  Stir in the candy/nuts (be creative and put in whatever you want. 

** I clearly made a concession with the candy coated sunflower seeds, but I felt that that small concession was better than adding some other non-healthy additive in there.  After making this, I think it could easily be made into so many insane combinations.  Next time I think I'm gonna actually try making a "oatmeal" cookie version.  Thanks again Paleo Parent!

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Grilled Pork Chops w/ Mango-Chili Compote

4 Butterflied Pork Chops
1 Mango (cut into small cubes)
1 Green Chili Pepper (diced)
1/2 Red Onion (diced)
1 C. Water
Juice of 1 Lemon
Salt, Black Pepper, Cayanne Pepper to taste
Coconut Oil

Compote Directions
Combine all ingredients into pan and bring to a boil.  Reduce heat and let simmer until contents are soft and "sauce" is thickened.
Top grilled pork chops with compote and serve.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

BLT Salad

Another craving that needed satisfying!
I NEED a BLT!  So I tricked myself....
It even filled up my husband, who is always hungry right after a meal.  Suprising really, but it must be all the leafy greens. Best of all, I didn't even miss the bread!

Hearts of romaine
Baby spinach
Roma tomatoes
Pepper Bacon
Red Onion
1 tbsp bacon drippings (approx).
2 tbsp red wine vinegar (approx).
Ground black pepper to taste

Make whatever proportions you feel appropriate.  I used about 6 slices of thick cut pepper bacon, 1 roma tomato, and a couple of thin slices of red onion.  Romaine and spinach where just eyeballed.
Cook the bacon until crispy and set aside.  Combine all ingredients but last 3.  For vinegrette, combine vinegar and dripping to desired taste, add additional pepper.  Toss salad to coat.

Ice Cream-less Banana Split

In my search to continue Paleo eating without giving up my favorites, it occurred to me that I could easily make a "banana split".  I saw a post somewhere about putting frozen bananas in a food processer or blender to make easy banana ice cream.  I wanted less cleanup and hassle but with the same result. 
Amazing dessert without the guilt...and super easy!
1. Freeze whole ripe banana (about 12 hours)
2. Peel and slice banana and strawberries
3. Shave 100% chocolate bar over the top!